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Month: September 2021

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DIGIT Lab Team member Gerard Parr – Team Profile Series

This is the first of a series of profiles on members of the DIGIT Lab Team. Within each profile we will provide an overview of the DIGIT Lab Team member and their recent work. Gerard Parr holds the Full Chair in Telecommunications Engineering and is Head of School of Computing Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA).

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The Alan Turing Institute, DCEng Summit

Find out more about the Alan Turing Institute and its latest event on Data Science and AI. It promises to be a very useful set of discussions on the impact of data science and AI in engineering reliable systems.

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The Advanced Services Group’s event, Servitization Live

Find out more about the Advanced Services Group and its upcoming event, Servitization Live. Servitization Live will provide a platform for business executives and manufacturers from around the globe to see, hear and debate the latest advances and practices in servitization, including the business models, digital technologies, organisational and societal innovations that are coming together to accelerate service transformation.

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Women and Spinouts: A Case for Action

Oxford Brookes University in collaboration with the University of Oxford have been funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under its Inclusion Matters call to undertake a project to identify barriers and enabling factors that exist for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in key stages of the spinout process. DIGIT Lab EDI committee member Professor Simonetta Manfredi is the Principal Investigator for this project.

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