DIGIT Lab Winter 2023/24 Virtual Showcase
AI ❊ AI and Creativity: The future of work and creative task
DATA ❊ Data-Driven Design Framework
WELLBEING ❊ Developing an open-source toolkit for measuring mental health in large established organisations
SUSTAINABILITY ❊ Digital Innovation: Smart Products & Sustainability – The Role of Digital twins
SUSTAINABILITY ❊ A Business Model Innovation Tool to Understand Large Established Organisations’ Digital Transformation
CONSTRUCTION ❊ BIM capability assessment
HOUSING ❊ Radical transformation in Social Housing sector: Investigation of possibilities
FUTURE OF WORK ❊ Digital transformation in Law firms
MOBILISATION ❊ Resource Mobilization for established firms undergoing digital transformation
WELLBEING ❊ Banishing the Sunday Night Blues
MANUFACTURING ❊ AI and data in Design: Advancing the design engineering processes for manufacturing sector
DATA ❊ Data Exchanges: challenges and opportunities
DATA ❊ Data-Driven Design – See.Sense Case Study
AI ❊ Towards a framework for using ML/AI to support high stakes decisions in established organisations
AI ❊ Data and AI in the Digital Economy
NHS ❊ Digital platforms: A case study of NHS Jobs
TRUST ❊ Examining trustless trust from privacy-enhancing technologies for inter-organisational data sharing
FAIRMILES ❊ Fairmiles 2.0
RESPONSIBILITY ❊ Responsible digital transformation in UK animal agriculture
ESG ❊ Strategic Thinking About Business Model Innovation for Large Organisations
CONSTRUCTION ❊ Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry
AGRIBUSINESS ❊ Adopting IoT and AI Technologies for Efficient Digital Transformation in the Agribusiness Sector
AGRIBUSINESS ❊ Accelerating Digital Innovation in Animal Health at Zoetis
SHOWCASE ❊ Looking forward: 2024 Showcase