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On March 2nd, the government launched a consultation on a national Cyber-Physical Infrastructure, an ecosystem of increasingly connected digital and physical systems with the potential to help accelerate innovation and secure the UK’s status as an innovation nation and a science superpower.

DIGIT Lab’s Contribution

Over the past few months, the work of the DIGIT Lab has been an important contributor to the on-going conversations about the growing use of digital twins to understand complex cyber-physical environments and assets. As an invited member of the Interim Advisory Group (IAG) for the UKRI’s Digital Twin Programme, Professor Alan Brown has been able to coordinate inputs from the DIGIT Lab team to bring important insights into the challenges faced by Large Established Organizations (LEOs) as the adapt to these disruptive digital technologies. Continued dialogue will ensure that the DIGIT Lab is aligned with the outcomes of this consultation and the research investments that it will drive to increase the impact of UK research in this area.

Consultation Aims & Opportunities to Get Involved

An ecosystem of increasingly connected digital and physical systems could help accelerate innovation and support a more resilient UK society and economy. The consultation aims to explore the opportunities, benefits and challenge of connected cyber-physical systems and understand the value of, and options for, an underpinning Cyber-Physical Infrastructure.

Government is keen to hear your insights and challenges in response to the consultation. In parallel to the consultation, government will be hosting a series of roundtable discussions on specific topics within the consultation. You can register your interest in joining a roundtable discussion here.

Read more about this consultation on the gov.uk website

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