This is an award with the Exeter Centre of Leadership, consisting of two proposals:

Proposal 1:
Leadership in the Digital Age: Leadership and health/well-being in agile team work
Ilke Inceoglu, University of Exeter Business School
Eleni Georganta, TUM Research Lab Leadership | Learning | Innovation, Department of Research and Science Management
Ronit Kark, Bar-Ilan University and University of Exeter

Proposal 2:
Influence factors of digital transformation to enable agility within large established organizations

Nikolai Kazantsev, INDEX, University of Exeter Business School
Anna Keilbach, Krcmar Lab, Department of Informatics, TUM
Alan W. Brown, INDEX, University of Exeter Business School
Andreas Hein, Krcmar Lab, Department of Informatics, TUM


The overarching aim of this research is to investigate two questions that are central to digital transformation processes and agile teamwork in organizations.

Firstly, how do large established organizations (LEOs) transition from being a traditional manufacturer to becoming a digitized manufacturer? The production of digitised products (e.g., smart, connected cars) require novel approaches, processes, and flexible organizational structures to successfully design, develop and ‘servitize’ the product. However, development processes and especially organisational structures of LEOs were inherited in the pre-digitalisation era. Hence, there is a tension between a product which is increasingly complex and digital and the present internal organisational structure.

Secondly, as organizations undergo digital transformations, many teams (going beyond, e.g. software development teams) adopt agile work practices. The second work stream of this project will unpack how informal leadership in agile teams works and how fluid leadership processes impact team and individual well-being. In practice, issues in the team working processes cause substantial delays in project delivery, thereby resulting in significant costs to organisations and frustrations in employees. There is a lack of understanding how these “fluid” forms of leadership work and how they impact the well-being of team members. From a theoretical perspective, this project will draw on the literature of self-managing teams, on the emerging research on granting and accepting leadership and followership and the well-being literature.


Funded Value:

European Network Fund

Project Status:

Lead Research Organisation:
University of Exeter

Principal Investigators:
Professor Ilke Inceoglu
Dr Nikolai Kazantsev

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