Virtual Week, 14–18 November 2022

A virtual summit to share case studies, know-how and proven methodologies to help you innovate in your organisation and beyond.

Join us for a week of informative talks, packed with actionable insights. DIGIT Lab is a strategic partner at Digital Leaders Innovation Week. The event will showcase a huge range of expert opinions and opportunity to network (cross-sector) with its online community of 170,000 leaders of which 6,000 are academics.

Monday 14 November, 1pm GMT
Research Perspectives on the Future of Digital Innovation: A View from the DIGIT Lab, with Professor Alan Brown
An overview of key research challenges for digital innovation and transformation will be presented and discussed based on experiences in DIGIT Lab.
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Tuesday 15 November, 1pm GMT
Experiences with Data Exchanges for Sharing Public and Private Data: Research Perspectives on the Future of Digital Innovation, with Professor Roger Maull
Sharing and managing data between multiple organizations is fundamental to digital innovation and transformation. This is a technical challenge. But it also requires aligned incentives and appropriate governance schemas. We will explore best practices in this area. Prof. Roger Maull will lead this with industry guests.
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Wednesday 16 November, 1pm GMT
Designing the future of work: digital transformation, decision making and job crafting: Research Perspectives on the Future of Digital Innovation, with Professor Leroy White
As digital technologies are adopted, organisations must integrate automated decision-making practices into their ways of working. How does this impact organizational structures and culture? This discussion will be led by Prof. Leroy White and his research team.
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Thursday 17 November, 1pm GMT
How much better, how much less? 2010-2022 A Retrospective on UK Government Digital, with Professor Mark Thompson
What can we learn from the digital transformation journey in UK government over the past few years that helps us to identify future priorities for building better, more effective digital services? Prof. Mark Thompson leads a discussion into the vision, opportunities, and barriers to digital public services delivery in the UK.
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Friday 18 November, 1pm GMT
What’s Next for Digital Twins? Research Perspectives on the Future of Digital Innovation, with Professor Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen
Manufacturing has been one of the early adopters of digital twins. A panel of industry and academics led by Prof Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen, including Jonathan Eyre (AMRC), will discuss what is needed for the next generation of digital twins that are cross-sector and how can these support innovation.
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Seminar recordings

Research Directions in Delivering Digital Transformation, with Professor Alan Brown

Experiences with Data Exchanges for Sharing Public and Private Data: Research Perspectives on the Future of Digital Innovation, with Professor Roger Maull

Designing the future of work: digital transformation, decision making and job crafting: Research Perspectives on the Future of Digital Innovation, with Professor Leroy White

How much better, how much less? 2010-2022 A Retrospective on UK Government Digital, with Professor Mark Thompson

What’s Next for Digital Twins? Research Perspectives on the Future of Digital Innovation, with Professor Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen


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