Accelerating digital innovation for growth, impact, and transformation of large established organizations.

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Have you considered the impact of digital technologies on your current business model?

Is your business maximising the potential of the suite of new digital technologies including AI?

Could new digital technologies help you achieve a new sustainable business model?

Our offer:

Some of UK’s leading business/digital transformation academics (Prof. Tim Vorley OBE and Prof. Roger Maull) from the University of Exeter would like to work with your strategy and innovation leaders to unpack your current business model and assist your thinking to maximise the potential of new digital technologies on your business.

Cost: Free (we may request to use some of the anonymised findings of the workshop in our research)

Workshop Duration – 3 hours

  • The workshop will be an academic facilitated discussion to better understand your current business model and the impact of new digital technologies such as AI; and
  • Provide you with the tools to analyse your own digital transformation readiness

What is Digit Lab? Digit Lab is a £12 million research project led by The University of Exeter, which runs over 5 years. It aims to accelerate digital innovation for growth, impact, and transformation of Large Established Organizations (LEO) in the UK. Within this project is a team of academics that aims to engage with Large Organisations to examine the effectiveness of their business model, and inform the digital transformation processes, and ultimately refine their existing and potential new business models. With an emphasis on integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles, this project sets its goal in helping Large Organizations to seize the opportunities in sustainable development.

Please contact Michael Fairbairn, Senior Impact and Partnership Development Manager for further information and/or complete this form.

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