Accelerating digital innovation for growth, impact, and transformation of large established organizations.

Digital Transformation Accelerators: A Service Science Perspective

? 11 May, 2–3pm (GMT) Watch the recording This talk explores digital transformation accelerators arising from two shocks – the pandemic and the future of artificial intelligence (AI). Presented by Jim Spohrer, retired IBM Executive, and member of the Board of Directors of the non-profit International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP). In 2011 during IBM’s Centennial […]

The 5 Patterns of Digitization in Large Established Organizations

From a Digital Dispatch by Alan Brown In recent months I have been getting very frustrated in discussions about digitization and digital transformation. Too often I have been finding that much of the conversation feels like two people talking at each other with little in common and no shared perspective to support a meaningful dialogue. […]

Create more value, more profit, more sustainability… and fewer artefacts

Create more value, more profit, more availability, more usage… create a more sustainable environment – all while making fewer artefacts. That’s a revolutionary thought! Alan Brown Watch Alan’s full talk Delivering Digital Transformation: Facing 5 dilemmas for a sustainable future (with Tommy Flowers Network) Tuesday 5 April 2022, 11am Alan Brown is the key speaker. […]