Showcase 2022: DIGIT Lab’s 12 Days of Christmas

Data-Driven Design: Current Landscape

Lead DIGIT Lab Academics: Professor Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen and Dr Boyeun Lee

Despite the possibilities enabled with data in the new product development (NPD) process, researchers and practitioners lack a clear method or process to understand how data can drive new services or products.

To gain an understanding of the current state of the art, a systematic literature review was undertaken. We have reviewed 70+ articles and are in the process of quantitative and qualitative analysis. We have identified ten types of Data-driven design activities, which can then be categorised into four dimensions, including scaling up, trust building, deep diving, and sense-making. The review highlights the type of data (the source) and the activities undertaken in order to gain user knowledge, customise products, support design decisions, build ecosystems around the platforms, embed reliability into the systems and serve better product lifecycle. The research provides a platform for which to work together with industry to develop data-driven design processes.